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Blog | December 6, 2022 | 3 min read

VUSION: Maximize Product Availability in Stores

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Being able to maximize product availability in crucial to stores’ bottom line. VUSION can provide a wide range of benefits to help retailers.

Accurate inventory management

The number one rule of operations is to have accurate data on the shelf and stock status at all times. Which products? Where? How many facings? How much space share? At what price? etc. Having all these indicators in real-time is essential to optimize compliance, reduce stock-outs and increase on-shelf availability and sales.

Monitor shelves and products in real-time

The latest retail IoT technologies combining geolocated smart labels and ultra-low miniature wireless shelf cameras allow retailers to automate real-time shelf monitoring in a cost-effective and scalable way. This will revolutionize supply chain and store management and open a new era of digital collaboration and data sharing between retailers and CPG companies, generating massive cost savings across the entire value chain:

  • Shelf execution compliance
  • Stockouts reduction
  • OSA and sales increase
  • Store staff labor cost savings
  • Overall inventory reduction
  • CPG trade-spend reduction.

VUSION in-store IoT technology is the most advanced, cost-effective, and accurate solution to provide comprehensive real-time shelf data.

Boost your sales and margins

As shelf monitoring solutions are deployed across many stores and retailers, benefits start to be seen. Product availability can be improved by up to +5%, resulting in higher sales and therefore better margins.

Retailers can also benefit from thousands of working hours saved, allowing them once again to allocate associates to more meaningful tasks.

Furthermore, improved visibility on shelves and products can also lead to better collaboration between brands and retailers. By sharing this newly available data across channels and teams, the entire retail value chain can therefore work on collaborative planograms, merchandising compliance, precise trade marketing campaigns, and much more!

We’re here to help make your store smarter and more efficient.