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Announcements | December 21, 2017 | 2 min read

“il Viaggiator Goloso” & SES-imagotag Launch Product Reviews on ESL

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viaggiator goloso

Dynamic reviews from the website to ESL in the physical store: a new omnichannel strategy that improves the brands’ digital presence in the store.

Unes premium retailer, “il Viaggiator Goloso”, engages consumers through the initiative “Vote VG”, which allows shoppers to review products by connecting to the website, assigning each product a score from 1 to 5 stars and leaving a comment in which you can freely describe your taste experience. The average score obtained, along with some reviews, are shown on a special electronic label visible in the 3 branded stores “Viaggiator Goloso” in Milano.

This article is an English translation from the original in GDO WEEK magazine.

“Over 80,000 reviews have been published so far. Consumers who will vote for products “il Viaggiatore Goloso” until November 4th will be able to download a 5 euro discount voucher to be spent by shopping in one of the 120 “U2 supermarket” stores! This initiative is a perfect example of a virtuous integration between the brand digital presence and the physical store”, commented Rossella Brenna – Unes Sales, Marketing and Communication Director.

“Customers reviews positively influences other customers shopping, guide products development and improvement, and inspire our offline communication activities.”

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