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Customer success story | June 1, 2022 | 5 min read

How EUROSPAR boosted its sales in store

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4.4 Engage Eurospar Ferrero 5

Boost sales in store with VUSION Engage tags



EUROSPAR Barrow Street is located at the heart of the Dublin’s tech district. The store welcomes hundreds of customers on a daily basis, serving food and essential products. The newly-introduced 4-color labels have been deployed effortlessly in the EuroSpar store by the same team managing regular e-Paper labels. As part of their innovation roadmap, EUROSPAR volunteered to test, pilot and monitor the ROI of the first live installation of 4-color e-Paper labels in the world, with the aim of boosting their sales in store.

4-color tags are managed and monitored in the VUSION Cloud platform and run on VUSION OS. To maximize their impact, larger formats have been fitted on end caps to boost sales in store.

We are always on the lookout for new technologies to bring innovative solutions to our customers. Thanks to the new smart labels developed by SES-imagotag, we are finally able to properly showcase products in a highly-engaging way, while highlighting key information or content for our customers. John Prendergast, Store Owner of EUROSPAR Barrow St.

The results seen in the store have been outstanding with an increase of +61% in sales compared to previous weeks, and +41% compared to other end caps without such labels.

The Challenge

Shelves and end caps can be troublesome to maintain and animate; that is why more and more retailers like EUROSPAR find themselves turning towards digital technologies such as electronic shelf labels.

However, these tags must have vibrant, engaging displays to trigger purchasing decisions, even more so on end caps which are a known sales booster ensuring premium visibility, whether products are on promotion or not.

Thanks to the new generation of displays used on these labels (4-color displays vs. 3 previously), EUROSPAR has finally been able to leverage a solution capable of enhancing the marketing impact of in-store campaigns as well as promotions, while being able to monitor the return on investment and boosting in-store sales.

End caps are one of the key components of our marketing and promotional strategy, as well as one of the prime locations of any grocery stores. It is fundamental for us to have a technology capable of boosting our campaigns and giving premium exposure to the products we decide to place there. David O’Leary, Store Supervisor at EUROSPAR Barrow St.

The Solution to boost their in-store sales

Boost your sales in store with VUSION Engage digital tags

The 4-color e-Paper technology and labels answer the challenge of highlighting key promotions or campaigns, and to provide retailers, as well as brands, with an agile, powerful solution to easily highlight any products in stores.

Entirely managed in the Cloud and running on VUSION OS, 4-color labels benefit from unrivaled agility and scalability thanks to the platform and technology developed by SES-imagotag.

Stores like EUROSPAR are able to deploy these new labels, at no extra infrastructure cost, and manage them through the same software platform that they use for their regular digital tags, while being able to boost their sales in store.

We were excited to be the first ones to deploy such labels in a physical store, and even more surprised by how easy the set up was. From the moment we received these new labels, we have been able to really give life to our end caps and boost our campaign efforts. Marcin Wysocki, Store Supervisor at EUROSPAR Barrow St.


The Results and how EUROSPAR boosted its sales in store

In addition to the high-level impact of VUSION labels in terms of time and money saved, 4-color tags bring additional benefits thanks to their cutting-edge premium displays. Following their installation, the sales levels of the products featured on the end caps have increased by a whopping +61%.

When comparing the sales of the products highlighted by 4-color labels with other products featured on other End Caps, the sales still increased by +41%, which exceeded the retailer’s expectations.

Thanks to these labels, we have been able to actually transform our shelves into Super End Caps. The results are astounding and confirm the high-impact of this new technology on shoppers. We plan on leveraging these labels more and more in the future. And also on regular shelves to highlight targeted products during specific marketing campaigns that we will be able to plan with brands. John Prendergast, Store Owner of EUROSPAR Barrow St.

Boost in store sales with VUSION Engage labels

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