
VusionGroup is Modisoft’s preferred vendor of digital price tags.
We’re here to help make your store smarter and more efficient.
About VusionGroup

Transform your physical stores into digital assets

Vusion technology digitalizes your store from floor to ceiling to create a sustainable, hybrid model that’s driven by data. Provide a better commerce experience — for consumers and associates — while enhancing profitability.


Clients across the globe


Electronic shelf labels
connected with our platform


Team members here to help


2023 EcoVadis
Sustainability Rating


Sustainable, human solutions for a better commerce experience

Improve overall store efficiency and business performance with connected technologies that digitialize your physical store to create a smarter, more efficient shopping experience — for customers, retailers, and brands.
  • Boost sales and improve overall store efficiency

    Leverage the highest-quality IoT price automation platform to remove manual pricing steps and eliminate errors, freeing your team to focus on customers.

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  • Engage Retail Media VusionGroup

    Run successful digital display campaigns
in your store

    Run digital campaigns instantly, monetize your foot traffic and partner with brands to connect with shoppers at the shelf and improve inventory turnover.

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  • slider live Picture QRCode

    Streamline operations 
at minimal cost

    Digitalize your physical store operations from end-to-end with a sustainable, secure, scalable solution. Improve day-to-day employee experience with high-performance IoT and retail analytics.

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