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Announcements | September 6, 2022 | 2 min read

Retail Expert Chris Walton on: Today’s Smart Store Is Tomorrow’s Sustainable Store – Omni Talk & VUSION

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Retail expert Chris Walton gives his thoughts on today’s smart store and how it will be the sustainable store of the future in his latest blog post featuring VUSION on Omni Talk:

“The tide is turning, a new day is dawning, change is a brewing – insert whatever euphemism you want because, when it comes to describing the transformation retail is about to go through over the next 10 years, they are all true.

The pandemic shook retail to its core, woke it up in a manner of speaking, and now the pace of change has picked up exponentially. New ways of shopping physical retail stores from Amazon Go to Zara’s newest flagship in Madrid herald new ways that shopping can and should be done differently.

And these new ways of shopping, when done correctly, are all predicated on the idea of a “smart store,” i.e. a store that harnesses the power of data to read and react to customers’ needs organically over time, much in the same way as e-commerce retailers react to data gleaned from their websites.

The data derived from a smart store philosophy will soon be at the center of every retailer with staying power’s flywheel, not just because of what it means for their businesses, but also because of what, as I will discuss later, it means for the betterment of the world.”

In September, SES-imagotag’s North American CEO and smart store expert Philippe Bottine will join Chris on the Omni Talk Retail podcast series to discuss this subject and more.

Read the full article on Omni Talk here.



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